Kubernetes Workshops
Technology alone does not create added value – but gaining a head start in knowledge does. Our experts expand or deepen the know-how of your team – from theoretical to applied. Depending on your knowledge level, we offer you various workshops on the topics of Kubernetes, Docker, Cloud Native & more.

Kubernetes Tutorial
From Docker to Kubernetes
from Docker to Kubernetes
Kubernetes Dive-in
Kubernetes Dive-in Workshop
Kubernetes Dive-in Workshop
Deep Dive Kubernetes
Production Grade Deployments
Production Grade Deployments
Deep Dive Kubernetes
Observability, Monitoring & Alerting
Observability, Monitoring & Alerting
Individual Workshop
Individual Workshop
Individual Workshop
From Docker to Kubernetes
for free
online anytime
Skill Level
15 min
In this tutorial, we will explain the benefits of containers and Kubernetes, and then create a Kubernetes cluster and application. By the end of the tutorial, you will know the DevOps workflow for going from a local Docker container to a pod in Kubernetes.
- Advantage of Kubernetes and Cluster
- Demo: Create a Cluster
- Docker & Security Best Practices
- Deploy and scale application in Kubernetes
The Beginner Tutorial is suitable for Kubernetes beginners, but also offers useful tips & details for those who have been using Kubernetes for a while. Basic knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes and the command line (CLI) is required.
Kubernetes Dive-in Workshop
1.800 € / Person
Skill Level
3 days

Kubernetes is currently the most advanced tool for container orchestration. By now, all major cloud operators (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Open Telekom Cloud, Microsoft Azure, …) offer it as a managed service. It enables DevOps to fully automate their deployments, making processes much more efficient. The challenge with Kubernetes is its complexity. That is why we have launched an intensive beginner workshop in collaboration with Golem.
Basic Concepts
The first section provides an overview of the basic concept of Kubernetes, the fundamentals of containers and other resources. Another focus is on tooling basics with a presentation of current tools.
- Basic concept of Kubernetes
- Container basics
- Design of Pods, Container and Deployments
- Persistent Storage
- Kubernetes Operators
- Service Discovery
- Tooling Basics
Production Grade Deployments
This section covers the basics of production grade deployments. A mixture of theory, practical examples and exercises including a test environment awaits you.
- Container Design & Konfiguration – Best Practices
- Container Lifecycle
- Sidecar Containers
- Debugging Containers
- Resource Quotas and Limits
- Automatic External DNS
- Automatic Let’s Encrypt Certificates
- Ingress Controller
- Helm Charts
- Deployment Pipeline
Observability, Monitoring & Alerting
Observability, Monitoring & Alerting bilden die Basis eines jeden Produktivbetriebs. In diesem Modul erhalten die Teilnehmenden einen Überblick über den Kube-Prometheus-Stack und Loki/Promtail.
- Kube-Prometheus-Stack
- Prometheus Operator
- Grafana
- Alert-Manager
- Loki/Promtail
Access Management & Security concepts
In this topic section, participants will learn the basics of Kubernetes access management and security concepts.
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Keycloak SSO
- Container Security: Best Practices
- Log Management
The workshop is intended for software developers and system administrators who want to understand and learn the basics of designing, setting up and administering containers in a Kubernetes cluster. Basic knowledge of Linux shell and container technology (e.g. Docker) and an own laptop with SSH installed are prerequisites for participation.
New dates will be announced here shortly.
K8s Deep Dive: Mastering Production-Grade Deployments with Practical Insights and Hands-On Exercises
250 € / Person
Skill Level
3 hours
In this deep dive you will get a deeper insight into production grade deployments. A mixture of theory, practical examples and exercises including a test environment is waiting for you. During the workshop, participants will be provided with ready-made Kubernetes clusters.
- Pod Design: Good Practices
- Deployment Strategy & Affinity
- Resources: Requests, Limits, Priority
- Scaling
- Disruption Budget, Security
This course is aimed at DevOps, Cloud Platform Operations, Cloud Admins. Participants should have the following prior knowledge:
- Kubernetes basics
- You have already had hands-on experience running on Kubernetes
Fundamentals of Helm charts (gotemplates, creating and running container images) - You are basically capable of rolling out helm charts in Kubernetes
- Interest in cloud-native technologies
New dates will be announced shortly.
Kubernetes Deep Dive: Production Grade Deployments
1.200 € / Person
Skill Level
6-7 hours
In this deep-dive workshop you will get a deeper insight into production grade deployments. A mixture of theory, practical examples and exercises including a test environment awaits you. During the workshop, participants will be provided with ready-made Kubernetes clusters.
- Container Design and Konfiguration: Best Practices
- Container Lifecycle
- Rolling Updates
- High Availability
- Resource Quotas, Requests und Limits
- Debugging Containers
- Helm Charts und Helmfile
- ExternalDNS
- cert-manager
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- Persistenz in Kubernetes
- Presslabs MySQL Operator / PXC-Operator
- Backup & Recovery
- Deployment Strategy
This course is intended for DevOps, Cloud Platform Operations, Cloud Admins. Participants should have the following prior knowledge:
- Kubernetes basics.
- You have already had hands-on experience running on Kubernetes.
- Fundamentals of Helm charts (gotemplates, creating and running container images).
- You are basically capable of rolling out helm charts in Kubernetes.
- Interest in cloud-native technologies
New dates will be announced here shortly.
Kubernetes Deep Dive: Observability, Monitoring & Alerting
1.200 € / Person
Skill Level
6-7 hours
In this deep-dive workshop we will give you a deeper insight into the individual components of Kube-Prometheus-Stack and Loki/Promtail. In addition, we will use practical examples to teach you how to configure a ServiceMesh with Linkerd. During the workshop, participants will be provided with ready-made Kubernetes clusters.
- Kube-Prometheus-Stack
- Prometheus Operator
- Grafana
- Alertmanager
- Loki-Promtail
- ServiceMeshes with Linkerd
This course is designed for Cloud Platform Operations, Cloud Admins, and DevOps.
Attendees:should have the following prior knowledge:
- Kubernetes basics.
- You already have hands-on experience running on Kubernetes.
- Basics of monitoring tools, metrics
- You are basically capable of rolling out helmet charts in Kubernetes.
- Interest in cloud-native technologies
New dates will be announced here shortly.
Individual Workshop
We would be happy to put together a customized workshop for you and your team with your preferred topics. Simply fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss the details.