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// September 2024

SysEleven: Sovereign Cloud is now reality

SysEleven now offers its customers functions that make it as easy as possible to create and run IT infrastructure that is both scalable and digitally sovereign. The subsidiary of Germany’s leading cybersecurity company secunet has put two new data centers into operation, developed a user-friendly central dashboard, and added numerous features to its offering.

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// August 2024

Bundesdruckerei and secunet cooperate on sovereign cloud offerings for the public sector

Secunet, Germany’s leading cybersecurity company, provides sovereign cloud services for the Bundesdruckerei Group, the German federal government’s technology company. These are offered in particular to public authorities and administrations with high availability requirements. The scalable Infrastructure-as-a-Service solution from secunet subsidiary and cloud-native specialist SysEleven provides a solid basis for the operation of Bundesdruckerei’s established development and operating platform.

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// June 2024

SysEleven: smartsteuer protects sensitive tax data in the SysEleven OpenStack Cloud

You don’t even need the back of an envelope. The Hanover-based tech tax company smartsteuer is now relying on SysEleven OpenStack Cloud’s security and performance to ensure that its online tax returns are processed smoothly: SysEleven, the Berlin-based managed cloud and Kubernetes provider, meets the strict data protection requirements for processing highly sensitive tax data.

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// May 2024

SysEleven certified for Sovereign Cloud Stack SCS

Kubernetes and cloud infrastructure provider SysEleven is now certified for the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS). The company announced this at the second SCS Summit, which is taking place today in Berlin. The certification makes it much easier for SysEleven customers to migrate their workloads from other SCS-compliant cloud providers to SysEleven.

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// May 2024

SysEleven and DFS Aviation Services bring air traffic control system to the sovereign cloud

Memmingen Airport today officially commissioned the PHOENIX WebInnovation air traffic control system, which is operated in the SysEleven cloud. It consists of a radar screen and electronic flight progress strips and was officially put into service by DFS Aviation Services (DAS). This is the first time that a sovereign cloud solution has been used for air traffic control (ATC) in the tower at a German commercial airport.

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// December 2022

SysEleven increases investment in cloud and Kubernetes solutions

The Berlin-based Kubernetes specialist SysEleven sees increasing demand for its secure cloud solutions following its acquisition by secunet Security Networks AG. The company is responding with increased investments in the further development of its cloud and Kubernetes products. The next milestone is to certify the entire company under ISO 27001. The associated audit process is scheduled to be completed as soon as the first half of 2023. The target date for certifications for “IT-Grundschutz” (base security) and Cloud Computing C5 is also in 2023.

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// November 2022

SysEleven: MetaKube Operator makes running Kubernetes easier

The cloud service provider SysEleven has rounded out its managed Kubernetes portfolio with the release of “MetaKube Operator” today. Companies and agencies that develop container-based applications for themselves and their customers need a scalable and secure Kubernetes platform for their cloud-native solutions. With MetaKube Operator, they now get a solution that allows them to fully focus on their software projects, all while SysEleven takes responsibility for the 24/7 operation of the underlying Kubernetes platform.

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// August 2021

SysEleven raises Managed Kubernetes with "MetaKube Accelerator" to a new level

The Kubernetes specialist SysEleven is taking its Managed Kubernetes offering to a new level with the launch of “MetaKube Accelerator”. With the framework based on open source, organizations can create software projects more easily than ever before, manage them centrally, and run them in the SysEleven OpenStack Cloud. MetaKube Accelerator is aimed in particular at software agencies and companies that want to focus on the further development of software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for their customers without having to manage identical software components in each project. 

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// December 2021

Kubernetes specialist SysEleven launches third data center location in Frankfurt

The expansion in Kubernetes business is leading SysEleven to target its investments for accelerated growth: In Frankfurt, the managed hosting specialist is officially launching its “Third Region” today. In cooperation with the data center operator NTT Europe, SysEleven expects a leap in performance for its Kubernetes solution MetaKube. 

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// May 2021

SysEleven launches beta for its Kubernetes framework "MetaKube Accelerator"

The Kubernetes specialist SysEleven is powering a new dawn in managed hosting with its beta version of “MetaKube Accelerator,” unveiled today at KubeCon. The framework enables organizations to create software projects within a very short time, package them as containers, and run them in the cloud environments of their choice.

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// June 2019

SysEleven adds Amazon Web Services to its Multi-Cloud Kubernetes aaS​

MetaKube, the Kubernetes as a Service system, is now available on SysEleven’s own OpenStack Cloud as well as on Amazon Web Services (AWS). With the integration of hyperscaler infrastructures in MetaKube, it is now easy to create and manage Kubernetes clusters across borders of cloud vendors and to make them available worldwide. MetaKube takes control of tasks that are needed to operate Kubernetes clusters

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// November 2015

SysEleven sets the pace for digital infrastructure in Berlin​

Berlin is known as a city of creative startups and dynamic IT firms. These companies can only work successfully if they have a fast Internet connection. SysEleven GmbH, one of the leading managed hosting providers in Germany, sees that a lot of catching up is needed. That’s why SysEleven is driving the expansion of digital infrastructure by operating its own fiberoptic networks and connecting their endpoints with its technologies. 

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// September 2015

Sys11 Stack: SysEleven developing an OpenStack hosting platform​

SysEleven is a leading managed hosting provider in Germany. With Sys11 Stack, SysEleven is creating a new hosting platform based on OpenStack. Sys11 Stack provides the platform for a new generation of managed hosting solutions. This hosting platform makes possible a modern, completely automated cloud setup. The goal is to drastically shorten the gap between developing new functions and deploying the product. Furthermore, it greatly simplifies bugfixes and increases flexibility in working together.

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// September 2015

SysEleven Stack: Infrastructure turns into code​

Today at its in-house conference in Berlin, SysEleven GmbH announced the beta of its new cloud platform, SysEleven Stack. Using SysEleven Stack, which is based on OpenStack, clients get maximum control of and flexible access to their infrastructure through APIs. They can individually choose what level of system management they need from SysEleven, which leads to an unparalleled flexibility in management. If requested, root and branch modifications of infrastructure are possible, because they are fully mapped using SysEleven Stack’s code.

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// July 2015

SysAdmin Day: SysEleven supports sysadmins with expertise & resources​

On 31 July, the 15th annual SysAdmin Day takes place. System administrators (sysadmins) are responsible for making sure IT systems run smoothly. Data must be secure, servers must stay available, applications must be productive — otherwise revenue, company image, and profits all suffer. Many sysadmins struggle with this tall order and often can provide only a basic level of functionality to meet the challenges.

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// July 2015

SysEleven supplies expanded version of NGINX web server software at no charge​

SysEleven creates added value for its clients: starting immediately, the Berlin managed hosting pros are giving their clients access to the full Pro version of the application delivery platform NGINX as part of its service package — at no extra charge. Unlike the open source version, clients benefit from a greatly expanded feature set, premium support from the manufacturer, and control at API level while running.
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Christin Rehbein