Our Webinars
Here you find all upcoming and on demand webinars as well as talks from our cloud native and kubernetes experts.

Protecting the Crown Jewels - Managing and securing Kubernetes Secrets
hosted by Simon Pearce
In the talk from DevOpsCon 2023 in Berlin you can learn more about “Protecting the Crown Jewels – Managing and securing Kubernetes Secrets”.

Kubernetes for beginners: From Docker to Kubernetes
hosted by Eric
In this 15-minute tutorial, Eric will explain the basics of Kubernetes, create a Kubernetes cluster and deploy an application. Further topics are Container, Docker Image, External DNS & more.

Managing Third-Party Software in your GitOps Setups
hosted by Sascha Siegl
Our colleague Sascha Siegl gave a 30-minute talk at DevOps Con 2022. This talk will present you with a way to connect different SDLCs, manage your whole application stack, and facilitate collaboration between service providers and developers.

A Complete Cloud Set – Kubernetes Toolchains
hosted by Sascha Siegl
Kubernetes works best with tools that support your individual workflow. But the huge selection of tools can be very confusing. we bring light into the dark!

What if you can't use hyperscaler technology
hosted by Tim Friedrich & Florian Kintzel
Together with Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) (DFKI) we talk about how the language technology project “The Language Grid” was realized with SysEleven & why hyperscalers were out of the question.

How an EU directive transformed into a cloud-native project
hosted by Florian Rätzer Jonathan Dietrich & Michael Krinninger
In a joint WebTalk, SysEleven & FTAPI explain how the Whistleblower EU Directive became a cloud-native project and what challenges were encountered in the process. You can learn directly from the “sewing box” how a fail-safe Kubernetes setup was created from 500 dedicated servers.

Cloud Native under power: Use of AI in the energy industry
hosted by Florian Rätzer & Clemens Rosenbauer
Together with ifesca, we provide insights and experiences from the last 3.5 years and the path from Infrastructure as Code to Cloud Native. Above all, we also want to talk about the challenges that caused pain during the introduction of Cloud Native.

The radar screen speaks Cloud Native
hosted by Florian Rätzer & Christian Dorge
In this 50-minute WebTalk, we talk with DFS Aviation Services about what their path to cloud nativity looked like. We talk about technical and also corporate culture challenges and how to deal with them when things go wrong.

Kubernetes Mission (un)critical: Why the way to automatic container operation is easier than you think
hosted by Florian Rätzer
Florian Rätzer will show you in our 45-minute webinar how the supposed Herculean task of setting up a productive Kubernetes setup becomes a “manageable” child’s play within about 5 minutes.